Oh my, I just found out that the thing that I thought was part of my sixth sense (as a woman of course) has got already a name hahaha.

I mean, haven't you had a feeling that someone that you know thinks of you as something else, like as a girlfriend(boyfriend) or something? 

Well it has happened to me, and to other friends,  I thought only we woman could sense that... but no! it turns out that it could be a disorder called: erotomania.

It happens when a person holds a delusional belief that someone else (usually a person of a higher social status) is in love with him or her.

So apparently I'm a sick person or something like that.

2 comentarios:

Paco Kiu dijo...

I awalys knew that you' are sick.

sick as hell!


Paco Kiu dijo...

Ah, me faltó
